

Chisinau city :

If the order amount exceeds 1000.00 lei, the delivery is FREE.

If the order amount is less than 1000 lei, the delivery cost is 50 lei.

Within the Chisinau municipality, the fast delivery for 1 hour is 150 Lei.

The product is delivered disassembled, in a box.



In the settlements of the Republic of Moldova, except the Chisinau municipality.


Within the Chisinau municipality, including the suburbs, orders are delivered the same day if the order is placed and confirmed before 13:00, otherwise the orders are delivered the next day.

The product is delivered between 14.00 -20.00

In the settlements of the Republic of Moldova, except the Chisinau municipality, delivery is carried out within 48 hours (you will receive the order the next day), if the order was placed and confirmed before 11:00, otherwise the order is delivered within 72 hours, you can specify the details at operators.

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